关键词 |
汉高ABLESTIKJM7000导电胶 |
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LOCTITE ABLESTIK JM 7000 die attach adhesive has been
formulated for use in high throughput die attach applications. This
material has been used successfully on rigid substrates with die sizes
up to 700 mils.
LOCTITE ABLESTIK JM 7000 has been approved by DESC and
Rome Laboratory for military products.
Physical Properties
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, :
Below Tg, ppm/°C 33
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) by TMA, °C 240
Bulk Thermal Conductivity, W/(m-K):
@ 90°C 1.1
@ 165°C 1.0
Tensile Modulus, DMTA :
Cured 30 minutes @ 300ºC N/mm² 10,000
(psi) (1,450,377)
Extractable Ionic Content, @ 100°C:
Chloride (Cl-) <10
Sodium (Na+) <15
Potassium (K+) <15
Decomposition (in N2):
TGA analysis @ 10ºC/ minute ramp from 25 to 400
@ 340ºC, % 0.2
@ 400ºC, % 0.3
Electrical Properties
Sample cured 30 minutes @ 300ºC
Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm ≤0.01
BLETHERM 2600AT高导热导电银胶 黏 度: 8.5 PaS 剪切强度: - Mpa 工作时间: 1440 min 工作温度: - ℃ 保 质 期: 12 个月 固化条件: 30分钟升到200°C + 15分钟 @ 200°C 主要应用: 大功率LED
HENKEL ABLETHERM 2600AT粘合剂是一款特别为芯片需要高散而开发的芯片粘接胶,如大功率和和散热元气件. 本粘合剂是一种特的悬浮液-银和树脂颗粒悬浮在溶剂载体中. 一旦胶水完全固化,溶剂也会干掉, 本粘合剂含有很高比重的银. 本品主要用于高功率,高导热的大功率发光二极管.