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乐泰3900三防漆 |
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LOCTITE ECCOBOND LUX OGR150THTG photocurable adhesive is designed for high throughput optoelectronic assembly operations. This product also contains a secondary thermal cure mechanism for applications that contain shadowed areas where light is unable to penetrate. The secondary thermal cure can be done in conventional box or convection conveyor ovens.
泰3900三防漆,loctite 3900三防漆,三防漆,三防漆,快速固化三防漆,透明涂层,紫外固化三防漆,喷涂三防漆,共性覆膜三防漆,硅基三防漆。无溶剂三防漆,汽车应用三防漆,可兼容阻焊膜,免洗助焊剂,环保三防漆。Crc70三防漆,crc三防漆,crc2403三防漆,红色三防漆,透明三防漆。电路板涂敷三防漆,电路板三防漆。船舶漆,耐海水漆
VALTRON®UltraLux™ LF-1009-SB液体蜡粘合剂适用于直径大于2英寸的半导体和光伏晶圆基板。UltraLux™ LF-1009-SB液体蜡粘合剂具有高粘合强度、良好的耐温性和低黏性,可在设备晶圆和晶圆基板上提供可靠的薄层粘合剂